by Richard Early
UNIVERSITY of South Wales’ BA Sports Journalism and BA Journalism students are hosting a charity football event at USW Sport Park today.
It’s aim is to raise money for a charity involved with women and sport and all are welcome to compete with a £2 donation.
The tournament will commence at 6:30pm and be in a five-a-side format on Wales’ first full-size indoor 3G football pitch at Treforest, where the likes of Wales Women football team and Cardiff City FC Academy train.
The charity competition comes in the lead-up to and as a promotion for the Women and Sport Conference, which is also hosted by USW’s BA Sports Journalism students and held at the same venue on Wednesday, January 16th.
Competition organiser Mikey Wicherek explained its objectives, his expectations and its benefits, saying: “The aim of the event is to raise money for a charity which is yet to be selected and to promote the Women and Sport Conference.
“I’m expecting the football tournament to be a bit of fun and reasonably competitive, but as long as people enjoy themselves – that’s the main thing.
“I think this event will be beneficial towards the conference because not everyone attending will know about it, so if we successfully promote it to them, then we may get a few extra guests.
“I would like to see females participating in the five-a-side tournament because the conference is all about inspiring women to get into sport and sports media.”
The Women and Sport Conference’s objective is to break barriers that women face in sport and a range of guest speakers have been confirmed, including Wales Women’s football manager Jayne Ludlow, Wales Women’s footballer Helen Ward and Wales Women’s rugby coach Rowland Phillips.
The morning and afternoon sessions are different, with the former concentrating specifically on women in sport and the latter looking towards women in sports media.
It is scheduled to begin at 10am and conclude at 4pm and free tickets can be claimed at, https://bit.ly/2CengTV.
More information about the conference can be found on the official Twitter account, @WASConference