by Dan Cope
UNIVERSITY of South Wales graduate Luke Rees is USW’s first speaker at the #UniMentalHealthDay event called “USW Use Your Voice”.
Rees will talk about battling depression and anxiety whilst studying for his qualifications and his First Class Honours degree at USW in Sport Leadership and Development.
Rees, 22, left school with only four GCSE’s. However, he turned his life around through sport and went on to become an award-winning international motivational speaker.
Through his talks, Rees discusses his personal experiences and battles with mental health and how he overcame them. He also encourages audiences to “make the most out of their lives” through his inspirational talks.
Rees has also spoken at a variety of events across the world whilst working with some of the biggest organisations, such as BBC Radio Wales and the World Health Organization.
Rees’ talks have been widely praised for their influence by a variety of health and media professionals.
Tracy Cooper, the CEO of Public Health Wales said: “He (Luke) speaks in a way that changes people’s mindsets, is inspirational and is able to connect with the audience in a way that is a rare skill.”
The event, which has partnered with Time to Change Wales, takes place at the University of South Wales Brecon Building in Treforest on March 4th.
Date: March 4th 2019
Time: 17:00-19:30pm
Location: University of South Wales
B001, Brecon Building
Treforest, Pontyprdd (CF37 1DL)
Ticket Link