Bridgend teenager named Best Sports Journalist at USW Sport Recognition Awards

Best Sports Journalist Callum Ellis. Image Ian Fitzell

by Editor

A SECOND year student from Bridgend was named Best Sports Journalist, 2019, at the University of South Wales Sport Recognition Awards.

Callum Ellis, 19, studies Sports Journalism at USW’s Atrium campus. He is a media assistant with Newport County AFC and contributor for EatSleepFootyRepeat.

His sport of choice is football and this season he has covered Wales internationals for the men’s and women’s sides as well as reporting on Cardiff City and Swansea City.

The USW Women’s 1st side was his main responsibility at university BUCS level.

Best Sports Journalist 2019, Callum Ellis. Image Kira Butters

He told USW Sport Recognition Award host, BBC Wales’ Rob Phillips, that his ambition was to do his job and said his role as a reporter for USW Sport had been made easier because of the coaching staff and team he had worked with.

Another second year student, Jordan Jones, from Cardiff was also shortlisted. He runs Y Clwb Pel-Droed and primarily reported on the Women’s 1st Rugby side this season.

Third year Journalism student Rachel Jones was the other shortlisted nominee in the Best Sports Journalist category. She describes herself as an ‘ice hockey fanatic’ and works for Icetime TV as well as contributing to ice hockey blog A Hockey Journal.

First year Sports Journalism student Adam Evans was also shortlisted for an award. He was one of the final three nominees for Academic Student of the Year for Year One.