Hollywood takes over Wrexham as Reynolds and McElhenney bid is approved by fans

More than 90% of members voted for plan to revive club

Racecourse, Wrexham. Image Tom Pritchard
Racecourse, Wrexham. Image Tom Pritchard

by Ben Jones & Editor

HOLLYWOOD stars Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenny are on the brink of completing one of the most talked about takeovers – of Wrexham AFC. Yes, Wrexham AFC.

Even as bizarre stories of 2020 go, this one is up there with the best of them.

When the Hollywood greats first hinted at the prospect of buying Wrexham, you would have been forgiven for thinking it was a ruse, but 2020 just keeps throwing up the unexpected.

T he National League club, has been fan owned since 2011. Between November 9 and November 15, the proposed takeover was put to a fan vote and results came back in overwhelming support for Reynolds and McElhenny, at 98%.

‘McReynolds’ will have to wait a little longer for it to be made official, however, as the FA and Football League need to approve the takeover. Once that is done, the historic north Wales club will be under new ownership.


In typical Deadpool (a film starring Reynolds) fashion, the announcement of the takeover on Wrexham’s Twitter included humour. A video message that included the two new owners, saw them promoting Ifor Williams, “Britains leading trailer manufacturer for over 60 years.”

For those unclear about the connection, Reynolds followed with “Why are Rob and I pitching a north Walian trailer manufacturer? Because we just became owners of Wrexham Association Football Club and they’re our team sponsor”. McElhenny replied by saying that the actor’s plans were to put Wrexham on the map.

Reynolds finished the video with one message: “We are humbled and we are already getting to work. Oh [expletive] – this is really happening.” Aren’t we all, Ryan? Aren’t we all?

Prior to the fan vote, the Deadpool star said words that every football fan wants to hear from their owners.

“We want to be at the Racecourse Ground as much as possible – as many games as I can make.

“We want to have a pint with the fans. You’ll be fed up of us! We want to be great ambassadors for the club, to introduce the club to the world and be a global force.”


The Wrexham Supporters’ Trust also released a statement after the news of the vote. It read: “The Wrexham Supporters Trust Board would like to thank Mr Rob McElhenney and Mr Ryan Reynolds, and their advisors Inner Circle Sports and Walker Morris, for their professional and considered approach and for the time they have already put into the process. As Wrexham supporters, we would like to wish them the very best of luck in charge of our Football Club and look forward to what the future brings.”

So the Robins’ future is looking as bright as the lights that shine on Hollywood. Ryan Reynolds popularity just grew in north Wales, even if it wasn’t already big enough following Deadpool and it’s looking as if now It’s Always Sunny in … Wrexham.