Captain’s pleasure after third win of season clinched in dramatic fashion

USW do battle against Aberystwyth. Pic: Eleanor Clifton

By Ed Bregua

USW netball 2nds vice-captain Tallulah Cotgrave declared herself “very pleased” after a third win of the season against Aberystwyth 2nds.

USW were victorious in an extremely tight encounter and edged the game 28-27, with a last minute shot from goal shooter Larry Vaughancapenter.

“Of course we are really happy to have won,” she said.

“Overall, I think we did really well, I am very pleased!”

This is the second time this season USW have been victorious over Aberystwyth, winning on the opening game of the league season back in September.

Cotgrave spoke on having played Aberystwyth already. “It is our second time playing Aber 2nds, so we sort of knew how they played.”

She also said that they had been working hard this week in order to battle with their opponent, but admitted that she was surprised at how well they fought.

“They came back really strong!”

The game was back and forth throughout, with Aberystwyth particularly gaining advantage in the third quarter which allowed for a tense final fifteen minutes.

Cotgrave also explained that there was room for improvement in her side’s play and that they have a week off to prepare for their next game.

“There are definitely things we can work on,” she added.

“Personally, I think we need to work on our set-ups.”

USW 2nds’ next game is against USW 3rds on November 27.